Our produce is fresh, seasonal and delicious. You will be amazed at the variety of vegetables available at different times of the year in our mild Sydney climate.
We are lucky enough to be able to grow delicious fruiting vegetables like tomatoes, capsicums and pumpkins all through summer. In Sydney’s west, we also get the occasional mild frost during winter - sweetening up broccoli, carrots and kale as the plants develop sugars to deal with the cold.

Each week you will receive a box of this delicious seasonal produce and an email newsletter explaining which vegetables are in the box and how to get the most out of the delicious food you have purchased. We include storage tips and information on the vegetables that are most perishable and should be eaten first. This is to help you avoid waste and familiarise yourself with strategies to keep your vegetables as fresh as possible. You will soon be an expert at maximising the goodness and nutrition of farm fresh produce through knowing how to store and prepare it.
We also help you out by providing recipes each week matched to the contents of some of the vegetables in your box, for both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals. Our customers say this helps them to expand their cooking repertoire and learn how to prepare and cook less familiar vegetables. It is our aim to spread the joy of home-cooking and eating and give you the satisfaction of knowing where your food comes from and how it has been prepared.